Iron Works - Storm Drain Cover Project with the City of Savannah, 2022
Toole Sculpture Works collaborated with the City of Savannah Storm Water Department, The Ogeechee River Keeper, and Kennesaw State University to design and create these unique utility covers. The covers were designed to be placed around the Jacob G. Smith Elementary School to educate young children about the importance of maintaining clean storm drains to protect our waterways. This project was an extension of the storm water runoff “Flowers” that drains rain water from the rooftop of the school directly into a rain garden.
Special Thanks to the Ogeechee Riverkeeper for their constant diligence in maintaining our waterways and for suggesting the flora and fauna for our designs. Thanks to Kennesaw State University Master Craftsman Program for casting and coloring these beautiful iron utility covers. Most of all Thanks to Kelley Lowe for penning the cool designs that make up the imagery on the surface.
Stop by the corner of Habersham and Lamara at 5 Spot to see one for yourself!